Mosaic 2016 is now in full swing and the waterfront is ready to welcome eager campers on its shores. Campers had strong winds and white caps storm on their parade for a couple of days but that didn’t stop them from getting out on the water. The beach front has been a busy commodity full of daring girls ready to brave the chilly waters.
With improved weather throughout the week, dragon boats, kayaks and canoes, and sailboats were able to venture out. There was plenty of activities and excitement on the swimming beach as well. Free swim, inflatable apparatuses to climb, jump and spin on, relay races, water fitness, lifesaving skills and raft building were some of the many activities featured. Girls were able to get out on the water as long as they were willing to brave the cold.
Life guards were in full force to keep all campers safe. They are out on the docks to monitor campers in deeper water, ready with a back board for head and spinal injuries, have binoculars on hand to peer at distant waters, a defibrillator on hand, plenty of first aid supplies and over 60hrs of advanced life guard, CPR and first aid training.
Girl Guides can feel safe in the trustworthy care of our life guards. Dedicating their own time to clear reeds from the swimming area by hand, these ladies deserve our appreciation. Feel free to rest easy and enjoy yourself at the water front in the care of our wonderful life guards.
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